Loosely Woven 'On the road'!

For the first event in 2020 Loosely Woven is taking a concert 'on the road' to Bowral, Nowra, Carcoar & Gunning as well as five performances in Sydney.

The program will consist of highlights from previous concerts.

Gial dancing

Allambie Heights
1.30pm, Saturday 22nd February 2020
Humph Hall
85 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights

1pm, Sunday 23rd February 2019
Rowland Village

South Turramurra
7pm, Friday 28th February 2020
St Andrews Uniting Church
Chisholm & Vernon Streets, South Turramurra

1pm, Saturday 29th February 2020
The Lakes Parish Hall
21 Lagoon Street, Narrabeen

Dee Why
2pm, Sunday 1st March 2020
St Davids Uniting Church
St David Ave, Dee Why (next to police station)

7pm, Saturday 7th March 2020
St Jude's Anglican Church
36 Bendooley St, Bowral

1pm, Sunday 8th March 2020
Nowra Uniting Church
29 Berry Street, Nowra

7pm, Saturday 14th March 2020
Carcoar Courthouse
Icley Street, Carcoar

1pm, Sunday 15th March 2020
Gunning Court House
Cnr Yass & Warrataw Streets, Gunning


Contact Details:
Wayne Richmond (organiser)
(02) 9939 8802 wayne@humphhall.org