Wayne Richmond

Wayne celebrates his 60th birthday with a super concert!

Rather than have a party (I'm not really a party person!) I am organising a very long concert with all of my favourite musicians playing some of my favourite music! Sheer indulgence, I know, but as I am inviting so many people to come along and share the fun, I think I can justly call it Shared Indulgence!! :-)

The first Shared Indulgence concert (my 50th birthday) was virtually a retrospective of the first five years of Loosely Woven. This one will attempt to do the same for the last ten years - and what an amazing ten years it has been!!

Unfortunately, due to lack of space in Humph Hall, this event is not open to the general public. However, if you have been a long time fan of Loosely Woven and would REALLY like to come then please do get in touch and I'll see what I can do!  :-)

2pm, Saturday 12th February 2011
Humph Hall, Allambie Heights

Contact Details:
Wayne Richmond (organiser)
(02) 9939 8802 wayne@humph.org