Rumblin' Sound featured original songs and tunes by Trevor Swadling and Kevin Murray together with a selection of choral items and dance tunes.

There were two public performances:

7pm, Saturday 30th April, 2005
Avalon Baptist Peace Church
George Street, Avalon
2pm, Sunday 1st May, 2005
St David's Church
St David's Avenue, Dee Why

All Loosely Woven performances are free though on most occasions, invitations are extended to make a donation towards a charity. In the case of the Avalon concert, this was to raise funds for Amnesty International.

We also did our usual performance for the W G Taylor Retirement Village at 1pm on Saturday 30th April.

N.B. Bird Sings the Blues, the concert featuring Harry Dingle and his sons and daughters, was postponed till later in the year.

Contact Details:  
Wayne Richmond (organiser)
(0400) 803 804